lördag 3 augusti 2013

Miley Cyrus pays tribute to Britney Spears "It's nice to have a person in my life who make"

Miley Cyrus pays tribute to Britney Spears "It's nice to have a person in my life who make"

The transition from being an innocent Disney princess into a young adult woman when the whole world is watching is not to be trifled with. Something that Miley Cyrus is well known med.I an interview touched the topic and Miley claimed that the person who understands what she's going through right now is pop star Britney Spears.

Both Britney and Miley are used to cause the headlines because of their privacy and the new image. And both know how hard it is to have to deal with the world's critical eye. "Everyone goes back a period of life when they do not want to be photographed every day. She was never a moment where she could say 'I am going through something right now and need to turn off', Miley told in the interview. She continued: "I have not that opportunity so it's nice to have a person in my life who understand."