söndag 29 december 2013

New reports: Selena Gomez has been diagnosed with SLE!

New reports: Selena Gomez has been diagnosed with SLE!

Selena Gomez recently announced that she set her world tour in Australia and in Asia to take a break. The star explained to his fans in a public statement that she felt tired and overworked and needed to spend some time alone. But according to a new report that is the real reason why Selena's break that she has been diagnosed with SLE, also called for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and therefore need to take time off to treat the disease.

Sources of Selena Gomez says that the 21-year-old singer was diagnosed a few years ago and has recently suffered from swelling, fatigue and joint pain. SLE is a chronic autoimmune rheumatic disease thus not curable but it is treatable. Selena has in the current situation did not confirm reports

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